100% Organic Cotton Core. Organic Tampons packaging, a clear container with illustrated leaves on it and a bronze cap, 30 tampons
Tampons contain organic cotton core. A tampon and tampon packaging on a mesh-like surface. A leaf-themed background
Made without fragrances, rayon, synthetic pesticides. Leaf-themed background
A tampon packaging and a tampon laid on a mesh-like towel on white tiles next to leaves
L. Tampons protect for under $5 a month. A person smiling and holding tampon packaging in their hands on a leaf-themed background
Light, regular, super. Three different tampon packaging next to each other
A person holding three different tampon packaging in their hand smiling in the background

L. Tampons Regular


Cotton...US grown *organic cotton
Polyester...fiber that wicks away moisture
Glycerin...coating for smooth feeling
Paraffin...wax for smooth feeling

L. Tampons contain a 100%

L. Tampons contain a US grown organic cotton core and are made without Rayon, synthetic pesticides, and fragrances.

Cotton organic core, a core that gently expands to fit your natural body shape. BPA-free plastic aplicator. A tampon and a tampon aplicator
Period care made with love. 100% Pure Cotton product lineup on a home-inspired background next to a woven basket with a plant.